A Creeping through Suburbia was a group show with artists, Rosemary Cronin, Georgia Hollands and Chrissie Stewart. These three emerging artists were responding in all media to the research area of suburbia within their practices… a fascinating expedition in paint, print and psychoanalysis.
Rosemary Cronin draws on the psychoanalysis of the feminine within suburbia, taking particular inspiration from the cinematic and autobiographical references found in personal slide collections. Cronin holds an interdisciplinary practice predominantly covering performance, print and paint. http://rosemarycronin.co.uk/home
Chrissie Stewart has work continuing this dialogue, exploring through an often historical lens, the ‘absurdity’ of gender constructs and the way this is often represented in our culture. Using a cut-up method, both Stewart and Cronin comment and subvert similar tropes into the suburbia of our subconscious.
Georgia Hollands presents a wander through suburbia, inspired by the mundanity of daily life and the suburban landscape. Using techniques rooted in Psychogeography she negotiates the liminality of the everyday and how the interior mind manifests itself into the artwork, expressed through print and film. http://georgiahollands.com