Pop by this Saturday 8th April, during the long weekend to catch Towards Twilight by Fritz Duffy and the open call group show A slash of Blue-. The gallery will be open from 10am to 4pm and it will be the last day for a 'A slash of Blue-'
'Towards Twilight' closes on Saturday 15th April at 4pm.
Please reach out via info@geraldmooregallery.org if you have any questions.
For more information on the exhibitions, please click on the link in our bio.
We look forward to your visit!
'River Thames - Deptford' by Fritz Duffy
Photo: Fritz Duffy
#geraldmooregallery #elthamcollege #southlondon #london #artgallery #artexhibition #gallerylondon #kidsgalleryvisit #whatotdoinlondon #se9 #exhibition #contemporaryart #painting #photography #mixedmedia #emergingartist #opencall #opencallexhibition #aslashofblue #aslashofblueexhibition #towardstwilight #fritzduffy #soloexhibition