Gerald Moore Gallery is proud to present Together and Apart, a unique collection of prints, etchings, monotypes and paintings by Amanda and Peter Richards. Together, Amanda and Peter are a married couple, who support one another in their lives and work, sometimes working with the same processes. Apart, they work in separate studios at home when creating works with their own very distinct styles.
Amanda and Peter have long associations with Eltham College. Peter was Head of Art for many years, until his retirement, and Amanda, who started there as Artist-in-Residence, is now a teacher in the Art Department.
Peter’s work is best described as ’Music for the Eye’. His current work with multi-layering results in a beautiful richness of detail. These prints, or rather paintings made with rollers and fingers, continue his preoccupation with wonderful colours and abstraction. Peter loves the abstract beauty of wood, from which he has created exquisitely pigmented prints for the show. Amanda enjoys the power of accidents and the layering of materials when she works. In
addition, she seeks the psychological insights she comes across during the process. Amanda has a rare skill in her colour combinations - her vibrant prints and monotypes give a depth and luminosity to the surface, which is incredible - and the risks she takes with shape and composition are delightful.
All work is for sale.