Hings Lim's 'Spectre in the Gate' is on view at Grand Central Art Center, Cal State Fullerton, Los Angeles, until 12th May 2024. The exhibition was recently selected by Claudia Ross as one of 'The Best Shows to See During Frieze Los Angeles' in Frieze magazine.
In 2023, Lim presented an earlier iteration of the video work 'At Night (Santa Ana’s Chinatown)' in the exhibition 'In the Fire' along with works by Pam Su and Veronika Neukirch at the Gerald Moore Gallery, curated by Haffendi Anuar.
Check out his exhibition if you are in Los Angeles.
Hings Lim (b. 1989, Malaysia) is an interdisciplinary artist living and working between Los Angeles and Kuala Lumpur. He works in an expanded use of medium that includes video, installation, sculpture, performance, simulation, and situation. His process-oriented practice probes the formation of apparatuses, while addresses the multiplicities between historicity, performativity, materiality, and subjectivity of things and their becoming.
Photos: Installation views of ‘In the Fire’ by Reinis Lismanis
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